A vase for a flower -tripod-
flower vase 2017
A tool for nurturing thoughtfulness toward life other than your own
Flowers can be said to be one of the most familiar life in nature for humans. I think a single-flower vase is a tool designed to be with that life.
Flowers live short. It is our minimum responsibility for flowers to arrange them beautifully until they die. So, a single-flower vase needs to be easy to arrange creatively in a way that suits the flower and to have a beauty that comes from being with the flower.
And it is also our role to care for flowers so they live longer. As this single-flower vase is small in capacity for water and you have to change the water every two days, fresh water is always in the vase. As it is such little water, it is easy to change.
The time you spend cherishing the life of flowers also nurtures the mind to respect other lives such as the natural environment and people other than yourself. Each person’s act of nurturing such a mind little by little leads to a world filled with the awareness of coexistence.
And it leads people to love this world and act for a sustainable world. I have believed that everyday tools such as a single-flower vase have power for this change and I have been doing this research.
Especially as a single-flower vase only needs a flower compared to other flower vases, it is easy for young people to prepare a flower when the cost is in concern.
Another good point is that you can include flowers in one’s home decorating without feeling any pressure to arrange flowers nicely since it is only one flower.
I hope that the vase brings time to nurture “thoughtfulness for lives other than your own" into people's daily lives.
自分以外の命への思いやり を育む道具
短い命の花。枯れていくまでの間を美しく飾ってやるのは、せめてもの私達が果たす責任。だから一輪挿しには、花に似合う飾り方の工夫 がし易く、花と共に在るからこそ生まれる美しさが必要になる。
そして、人がこの世界を愛し、 世界を持続させるための行動 へとつながる。 一輪挿しを始めとした日常的に使う道具には、そのための一助となる力があると信じ、この探求を続けている。
人々の日常に、”自分以外の命への思いやり” を育む時間 をもたらせられればと願う。