Colorful object?
wall clock 2018
I think clocks have a strong presence as clocks.
As I wrote in Art or Graphic, even if you hang a beautiful and novel clock on the wall, it is absolutely a clock.
It can’t afford to have the presence of an object or art piece.
It's hard to recognize this design as a clock at first glance. This design has the appearance of an object that you can enjoy the change of expression, but the right edge of the fan-shaped part acts as a hand, and you can read the time.
A clock maintaining their raison d'etre by being seen is given the interest of being seen.
I want clocks used at home to have enough room and freedom not to be too much like a clock.
I hope that the time spent with this clock in people's daily lives will gently stimulate their sensitivity and nurture their rich hearts.
Art or Graphic でも書いているけれど、
そこには、オブジェやアートピースのような 余裕のある佇まい が無い。