Gacha-Gacha communication
Kyoto university of art and design & Metoropolia university of applied sciences 2016
This is a workshop I thought Japanese students can have a chance of international exchanges even when they can’t fly to universities abroad.
First of all, I told the students to analyze a humorous aspect of Japanese design based on GachaGacha, capsule toys that were developed independently in Japan. Then I told them to design capsule toys based on their analysis. After that, we put them in a bending machine and sent it to Finland.
They designed accessories for capsule toys. As a motif, they chose some Kanji, Chinese characters, and Hiragana, Japanese original phonograms that signify body parts where people put on accessories.
The students in Finland found Kanji and Hiragana beautiful as symbols, and also found them interesting in the way that they actually have meanings as language. So the students enjoyed Japanese culture through language as well as Gacha-gacha.
The task I gave to the students in Finland was, “if you were a Gacha-gacha designer, what would you design?” and also to write a message for the students in Japan and put it in a capsule and put the capsule back into the bending machine.
I sent the machine back to Japan. After coming back to Japan, the students and I put 100 yen, turned the handle of the machine, and read their design ideas and messages for the students in Japan.
The students in Japan told me that it was an interesting and good experience for them that the students in Finland enjoyed their designs very much and they could share their ideas across cultures.
I think this workshop went well thanks to the Japanese students’ cordial designs. Thank you.
海外 の大学で授業を行う時、日本の学生が現地に行けなくても国際交流ができるワークショップとして考えたものです。
まず、日本で独自の発展を遂げた ガチャガチャを基に、日本のデザインが持つユーモラスな一面を分析します。
そして Finlandの学生への出題は「君がガチャガチャで販売する製品のデザイナーなら、どんなデザインをするかな?」。そして「日本の学生達へのメッセージ」も併せて紙に記してカプセルへ入れ、ベンダーに返すことでした。
日本の学生達の心のこもったデザインのおかげで、このワークショップは上手くいったと思います。 ありがとう。
Part of the accessories designed by the Japanese students.
They made a huge line waiting for their Gacha-gacha turn.
Some students wore the accessories the next day's lecture.
After coming back to Japan, it was an cultural exchange time reading Finish students’ ideas and messages.
The students’ experience was covered by Kyoto Newspaper.