常花瓶  (Jokabin)

flower vase     2020

Creating a void in our daily lives by utilizing the cultural background of Buddhist ritual tools

The time in which we feel "because we are alive" is a void in our lives.

In today's peaceful world, being alive is too natural to feel, and death is also avoided and kept away from our lives.

Therefore, we have little time to actually feel alive, and even less time to think about death.

Joka (everlasting flower) is a flower that does not wither and blooms forever.  But at the end of the time we live, there is always death.

Because we are alive, we move forward in the midst of uncertainty. And because there is death, we can think about what we need to do.

By contrasting the beauty of everlasting flowers with that of fresh flowers, this vase creates a time when we can feel "precisely because we are alive."


“生きているからこそ”  と 感じる時間が、私達の暮らしにおける空白となるのではないか。


だから、実際に生きていることを 感じる時間は少なく、また死を思う時間も少ない。

枯れない花、永遠に咲き続ける花 である常花(じょうか)。しかし、私達が生きる時間の果てにはいつも死がある。


常花の美しさ と 生花の美しさを対比することで、私たちが  ”生きているからこそ”  と 感じられる時間を作る花瓶。
